will cancel or modify your order if your request is made before the item has shipped from our warehouse or the order has been sent to one of our vendors.
Because many of our items ship the same day to ensure a timely shipment, it is necessary that you call us within a few hours of placing your order should you decide you’d like to cancel your order. We will make every attempt to cancel your order, but we cannot guarantee we will be able to stop processing. Should you wish to return a purchased items, please follow our return policy.
For all orders, a confirmation e-mail will be sent, shortly after the order is placed. Please print or save your order confirmation. The order confirmation will serve as your receipt and proof of purchase. does not include a receipt or packing slip with your order. If you have misplaced your order confirmation or require a duplicate receipt, simply contact us. Duplicate receipts can be sent via e-mail or fax.